Cameroon: A New Chapter for the Cameroon Union Mission: Restructuring Project in Progress

Posted on janv. 24 2024

A New Chapter for the Cameroon Union Mission: Restructuring Project in Progress

[Photo: Work session]
Since Tuesday, January 23, 2024, the Cameroon Union Mission has been the stage for a significant event with the visit of a delegation from the General Conference and the three African divisions. This delegation is present to assess the restructuring project of the Cameroon Union Mission.
The General Conference delegation is composed of Vice President Pastor Abner de Los Santos, Associate Secretary Pastor Samuel Saw, and Associate Treasurer Georges Egwakhe. Their presence underscores the global importance of this project.
The African divisions are also well represented with the participation of the President of the East-Central Africa Division, Pastor Blasious Ruguri, as well as the President of the South Ocean Indian Africa Division, Pastor Harrington Akombwa. The West-Central Africa Division is represented by President Pastor Robert Osei-Bonsu, Executive Secretary Pastor Selom Kwasi Sessou, Associate Treasurer Afolayan Olatunde, and Strategic Planning Director Pastor Oyeleke Alabi Owolabi.
The proceedings began on Tuesday, January 23, with a meditation by Pastor Ruguri, establishing a spiritual atmosphere before a closed-door working session in the morning. The afternoon was dedicated to working visits to educational institutions in the city of Yaoundé, including CSAO and CAY, demonstrating the team's commitment to holistic development.

On Wednesday, January 24, the delegation expanded its scope by visiting the Adventist Dental Clinic in Yaoundé, demonstrating a consideration for health in the project's considerations. Afterwards, the team headed to Ngaoundéré, the proposed headquarters of the Northeast Cameroon Union, for the continuation of the work, which will continue until Saturday, January 27, 2024.
This restructuring project is more than just an administrative procedure; it signifies a promising new chapter for the Cameroon Union Mission. Global Church leaders bring their expertise and support, while the local team works diligently to shape a future that will strengthen not only unity within the Church but also have a positive impact on the local community.

By Yangman Avom
Corrected by WAD Editors
Content taken from the WhatsApp group: UMCM Communicators, including images and text.


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