Posted on Juin 15 2023


[Photo: consecration prayer]
June 10, 2023 Sabbath afternoon will remain a memorable day for many Christians and workers within the Cameroon West Adventist Conference. On that day, seven new ministers of the Gospel were set apart for the Holy Ministry through a fairly popular ordination ceremony.

[Photo : Officiating team]
After a rainy morning, God responded to the prayer of his children, who were demanding for a favorable time for the pastors’ ordination ceremony scheduled for 14:00, to be held in the open air of the Conference courtyard. The activities of this day began with a long procession opened by the honorary pastors’ wives, followed by those of the active pastors, then the honorary pastors, the ordained pastors, the authorized pastors, the seven candidates for ordination and their wives, and finally the officiants of the day.

[Photo: Dedicated load] [Photo: consecration prayer]

Took place on the stage for the various articulations of this ceremony were, the Conference treasurer, Elder Dieudonné Batanti for the biblical reading, the Cameroon Union Mission treasurer, Pastor Jean Jean BONE for the opening prayer. The welcome and coordination in French and English were led by Pastor Etienne KAMGA and Pastor Joel TAYONG MUBELE respectively President and Ministerial Association Secretary of the Cameroon West Conference. Pastor Timothée NANG NGBA coordinated the stages of the candidate’s engagement and the presentation of the charge with his wife Beryl NGBA, the Cameroon Union Mission pastors’ wives coordinator. They both welcomed the ordained ministers and their wives.
The sermon was preceded by the presentation of the candidates for ordination (seven in number), by Pastor Daniel Japhet NTOUNGA, the Executive Secretary of the Conference: Tonni-Blaire MBAH MUBELE, Fabien Claudel MEMENI, Guillaume Ange TCHOUTA, Jean Mérimée MBOUMA BINDOP, Salomon DJEUTCHOU NANA, Moïse NDJENTI et Honoré NTAMACK NLOKA. In his message, Pastor Valère Guillaume ASSEMBE MINYONO, President of the Cameroon Union Mission, brought to the audience’s attention the baptismal name he attributed to this group of ordained ministers: "Heralds of the holy militia of God." and their motto: “Mission, peace, vigilance.” Based on this motto, he calls the candidates to a tireless commitment to the mission of proclaiming the gospel that Christ entrusted us. According to Ephesians 6:15, the proclamation of the gospel is compared to a shoe. It is a shoe that is suitable for every man, regardless of size, and the herald of the Lord’s militia should propagate this gospel with zeal. He urged all to live in the peace of Christ, and to be apostles of peace in a degenerated world in need of peace.  The third main element on which he laid emphasis was vigilance which these heralds must show, be proactive and defend Christian values and the church’s fundamental believes due to the rise of secularism. They may be unpopular and hated as they go for their daily activities as ministers; but as heralds of God’s militia, and according to Isaiah 13:3, they must first seek God’s greatness.

[Photo: Certificates delivery] [Photo: Consecrated, wives and officiants]

The last part of this ordination ceremony consisted in welcoming, congratulating and gifts presentation. On behalf of the ordained ministers, the youngest among them, Pastor Tonni-Blaire MBAH MUBELE thanked all for their love and Pastor Moose NDJENTI said the closing prayer.   

Armand Arnaud Yangman Avom
Cameroon Communication